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Charities Services Ngā Rātonga Kaupapa Atawhai
Charities Tag Line - Supporting Charities in New Zealand for Stronger Communities

View the decisions

You can view the most recent decisions, or search by decision type and/or date range.

There are four types of decisions you can view below:

Court judgments

If an organisation is unhappy with a decision we have made about them, and we cannot resolve the situation together, they have the option to lodge an appeal with the Registrar of the High Court (and from there, to the Court of Appeal). We publish court judgments under the Charities Act 2005 to our website as soon as possible after we receive them.

Deregistration decisions

A registered charitable entity may be removed from the Register (deregistered) for various reasons. Charities Services has the authority to deregister a charity that: no longer meets the requirements for registration; has acted in a way that is considered to be "serious wrongdoing"; or has "significantly and persistently" failed to comply with the Act.

Register or decline