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Charities Services Ngā Rātonga Kaupapa Atawhai
Charities Tag Line - Supporting Charities in New Zealand for Stronger Communities

New Zealand Entrepreneurs Rescue (NZER)

9 February 2022

In its decision dated 9 February 2022, Te Rātā Atawhai, the Charities Registration Board (“the Board”), has declined the application by New Zealand Entrepreneurs Rescue (NZER) (“the Society”) to register as a charity.

The Board decided that the Society does not meet the requirements to qualify for registration under the Charities Act 2005 (“the Act”) because it does not advance exclusively charitable purposes. The Board considered that the Society’s primary purpose to promote the Society’s views about the New Zealand employment regime is not analogous to a recognised charitable purpose. The Board also considered that the Society does not advance education in a charitable manner.

The Board’s full decision can be read below.

The Board’s statement regarding the decision can be found here.

Register or Decline