Legal decisions

In order to foster the confidence of the sector and the public in our decision-making under the Charities Act 2005, we publish registration decisions made by the Charities Registration Board on our website.  We also publish court judgments under the Charities Act 2005 to our website as soon as possible after we receive them.

In the course of our work we carefully consider all available information to ensure that each decision we make is a proper exercise of our powers and consistent with our statutory objectives. At times, these decisions are not favourable to entities, in that we may decline to register an entity, deregister an entity, or decline requests to restrict information from the public Charities Register. 

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You can view the most recent decisions, or search by decision type and/or date range.

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Objections to decisions
Charities Services and the Charities Registration Board make a range of decisions that can affect charities and individual officers.

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